2 Controls - 6 Machines - 2 Streams- 1 Country - Turkmenistan.

by Gemini Control on

The centrifuges in each stream were to act as a single unit with feeding of any given machine controlled by the PLC and dependent on various factors.


Local Operator Panels were installed and allowed for any machine to be operated in manual mode whilst the others remained in automatic. Further, each machine within each stream operated on a "Duty" or "Assist1" or "Assist 2"  basis which changed over automatically with the turn down ratio dependent on a DICA Salt signal and fault status. This ensured a considerable saving of energy on site whilst also giving full felxibilty to prodcution with anything between 1 to 6 machines ready to operate at any point in time.


​The entire system was built and coded by Gemini and successfully  FATed in England before being shipped to Turkmenistan for IQ and OQ and has been in continuous operation since 2015.